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Court and Justice Centers
Correctional Facilities
It would be very unusual for a school to never experience a crisis situation. A crisis can be any incident whereby the health or well being of one or more students or one or more employees is in imminent danger. A list of crises could include:
  • A threatening or drunk student or employee
  • A trespasser on campus
  • A fight
  • An irate and threatening parent on campus
  • A weapon known to be on campus
  • Vandalism
  • An extremely ill student or employee
  • A bomb threat
  • A gang confrontation on or near school property
  • A suicide
  • A hostage situation
  • A shooting, stabbing, murder, or rape
For a school, a crisis that requires immediate response can be as harmless as the lack of a key to open the gym for an evening sporting event. Unfortunately, recent tragedies in the United States have demonstrated the need for schools to be prepared to respond to emergencies as serious as shootings or bombs.
The SCS 30/60 was originally engineered for school and institutional applications. The SCS 30/60 immediately pinpoints where help is needed before a minor disturbance escalates into a major problem. This allows you to concentrate on the basics: reading, writing and arithmetic. Unlike other systems, the SCS 30/60 can be configured to meet your school’s precise requirements, without loss of reliability or ease of use.